Rule #1: chemo kills your immune system

I had my first treatment 3 weeks ago, just before that last post.  I went in on Tuesday, stayed home Wed, then went to school on Th/Fri.  It was spirit week, Friday was the Girls vs Boys assembly with me as the female teacher rep.  I couldn’t let cancer get in the way of a good spirit assembly, so I said nothing, just cheered for all the Mustang ladies.  Somehow the boys still won.  Monday rolled around, and I was tired, but went to school and let the students know what was up.  “You know me, I’ve done this, I’ll be fine, I’m superwoman!  Now let’s do some Physics.”  And we did, as if nothing was any different.  Then Wed I realized I had gotten sick.  Really sick.  So sick I had to miss the end of Wed and the rest of the week.  I might have taken death over feeling that crappy.  But Monday I was back again, and dutifully pointed out to the classes (and myself) that I was not quite the superwoman I thought I was.  I was not invincible, and I did have a major weakness- a non-existent immune system that wasn’t supposed to be hanging out in a public school environment.  So we agreed to all be more careful: not share pens, staplers, calculators etc between them and me, wash hands, and keep hands off of the toys I’m demonstrating with that day.  Since then, we’ve been much better.  They even remind each other and me to keep things clean.


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One Response to Rule #1: chemo kills your immune system

  1. Eileen Davinroy says:

    You are an inspiration for those kids…and all the rest of us. Reminding me to remember how precious each day is and not to take anything for granted. Sending a hug…

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